DOROTHEE VANDEWALLE | Co-owner, Master Teacher
Dorothee VandeWalle is an internationally-renowned classical Pilates teacher. She is the founder of the M.A.T. Pilates Teacher Certification Program and is recognized as one of the leading teacher trainers and master Pilates practitioners in the world. Dorothee has been teaching Pilates for over 30 years and has trained individuals at all levels of fitness from elite athletes to injured and/or older clients.
Dorothee teaches in the tradition of the original, authentic Pilates method. She was the protégé of Romana Kryzanowska—who herself was the protégé of Joseph Pilates—and started her teaching career with Romana in New York City. A former classical dancer, Dorothee is originally from Belgium. She's been teaching Pilates in Seattle since 1993.
Lauren Cristalli has been a certified Pilates instructor since January 2003 and has been training under the guidance and supervision of Dorothee VandeWalle since she began her Pilates journey in 2000. Lauren studied dance and fitness, and her clients appreciate her clear direction and sense of movement. She has been teaching at Metropolitan Pilates since 2003.
Jenna first discovered Pilates in 2013 while living in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Having a life history of athletics including marathons, triathlons and cycling, she found Pilates to be the perfect complement to strengthen and realign her body. In 2020 she left her career as a PR/marketing executive to join Dorothee's M.A.T. Pilates program. Jenna has an MBA from the University of Florida and enjoys adventuring around the world when not in the studio.
Elise first sought out Pilates with the intent of relieving stress and anxiety. She credits her Pilates practice with giving her greater patience, dedication, focus, and even grace. In 2020, Elise relocated from Massachusetts to Seattle to study with Dorothee VandeWalle. She received her M.A.T. certification in 2021. Elise cares deeply about her clients getting the most out of each exercise, paying close attention to both details and flow.
Clare Kennelly has been teaching Pilates since 2002. Before relocating to Seattle, she taught in the Washington, DC area and studied with Peter Fiasca and Pure Joe Pilates. At Metropolitan Pilates, she studied with Dorothee VandeWalle and was M.A.T. certified in 2008.
Heidi has been practicing Pilates since 2018 and credits the method with improving her posture and strengthening her body. She joined M.A.T. Pilates in 2023 with the goal of helping others achieve a healthier lifestyle. She teaches with passion and enthusiasm and is an active supporter of those seeking healthy changes in their lives. Heidi graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Communications.
Shirly Liu joined M.A.T. Pilates in 2015 and has made Pilates an important aspect of her life. Shirly has been a physical therapist for over 10 years and believes that Pilates gives you the strength and flexibility so needed for good health and rehab. Shirly has a background in contemporary dance and enjoys gardening and taking long walks with her dog.
Carol Meachum launched into Pilates several years ago and never looked back. Carol is not only an enthusiastic spokesperson for how Pilates can change the shape of one's body, but how it can change one's outlook on life as well. Carol has been teaching since 2003 and her clients love and appreciate her special brand of unbridled enthusiasm.
Rick Morris has been a student of Pilates since 1995. He completed his apprenticeship through The Pilates Studio and with Dorothee VandeWalle. He has taught at Robert Leonard, Pilates Seattle International and at the University of Washington Women's Center. Rick's exercise background includes cycling, hiking, street skating and running. Rick has been on staff at Metropolitan Pilates since 2003.
Angela's journey with Pilates began as a personal quest to find balance and harmony in her life. She trained under the guidance and supervision of Dorothee VandeWalle and joined M.A.T. Pilates in 2023, becoming certified in 2024. Angela has a master degree in business management and is an avid traveler. When she is not exploring new destinations, you will find her experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.
Kristy discovered Pilates as a way of healing her diastasis recti six years after the birth of her daughter. She found Pilates to be the best exercise method to engage and strengthen her abdominal muscles. Kristy enrolled in the M.A.T. Pilates teacher training program in 2023 and was certified in 2024. She joined the Metropolitan Pilates staff in 2024.
Dara Schwartz credits Pilates with changing her body. She has been training with Dorothee VandeWalle since 2009 and in 2011 completed her M.A.T. Pilates certification at Metropolitan Pilates. Dara graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in Women's Studies and a focus in Psychology. Her interests include cooking and nutrition.
Karen Sheppard began practicing Pilates under Dorothee Vandewalle in 2003 and 20 years later joined the M.A.T Pilates certification program and became an instructor. An avid tennis player, she credits the Pilates method with strengthening and balancing her body and nervous system. Karen appreciates that the Pilates method is beneficial to everybody, from the young to elder, sedentary to professional athletes, healthy to compromised. The physical and mental benefits of Pilates are a bedrock to wellbeing for her and others she has trained with over the years. Karen is the mother of three children, a Seattle native, and a graduate of the University of Arizona.
Adrianna van Elswijk credits Pilates with giving her the increased strength of mind, body and spirit needed to address health and personal challenges. She began her apprenticeship at Metropolitan Pilates in April of 2006 and was M.A.T. certified soon thereafter. Adrianna combines her educational and practical experience in Pilates, theater, ballroom dance, clinical social work and entrepreneurship in a caring and humorous, yet demanding, teaching style.
Maddie Vaught began her Pilates journey at Metropolitan Pilates in 2016 and began teaching in 2020. Maddie brings the confidence of the most seasoned teachers to her sessions. She communicates with her clients in a clear and encouraging manner, offering just the right amount of corrections to keep the workout highly effective. Maddie has taught dance in the Seattle area for many years and is a founding member of Alchemy Tap Project (a Seattle tap company).
MADELINE VAUGHT | Studio Manager
SILVIA FURIA | Co-owner, General Manager
Silvia Furia was certified as Pilates instructor in 2002. She was trained by Dorothee VandeWalle and Romana Kryzanowska at The Pilates Studio and Physical Therapy Center of Seattle. Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Silvia was trained in classical ballet and danced with the Ballet do Rio de Janeiro before coming to the United States to study English. She has lived in the United States for over 40 years and has graduated from Whitman College. She worked at Microsoft Corporation until 1999, holding various positions in project management, business management, and product planning.